The Age of Heroes is a legendary era in the history of Westeros, a time when the First Men and the Children of the Forest forged a pact and lived in relative harmony. This period is marked by the founding of many noble houses and the tales of legendary figures whose deeds have become the stuff of myth.
According to ancient lore, the Age of Heroes began after the Long Night, a period of darkness and cold that brought the world to the brink of destruction. With the dawn of a new era, legendary heroes rose to prominence, leaving behind legacies that would shape the future of Westeros.
One of the most famous figures of this time is Brandon the Builder, the founder of House Stark. He is credited with constructing the Wall, a massive fortification in the North, to protect the realm from the dangers that lurk beyond. Brandon is also said to have built Winterfell, the ancestral seat of House Stark.
Another notable hero is Lann the Clever, the trickster and founder of House Lannister. Legend has it that Lann tricked the Casterlys out of their ancestral home, Casterly Rock, using only his wits and cunning. His descendants would go on to become one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in Westeros.
The Age of Heroes also saw the rise of Garth Greenhand, the legendary progenitor of House Gardener and many other noble houses in the Reach. Garth is said to have had the ability to make plants grow with a touch, and his descendants spread across the fertile lands of the Reach, becoming renowned for their agricultural prowess.
These heroes and many others, such as Symeon Star-Eyes, Serwyn of the Mirror Shield, and the Grey King, have left an indelible mark on the history and culture of Westeros. Their stories have been passed down through generations, becoming an integral part of the folklore and traditions of the Seven Kingdoms.
The Age of Heroes, though long past, continues to influence the world of Westeros. The noble houses founded during this time still hold power and prestige, and the legends of the heroes serve as a source of inspiration and pride.
The Wall, built by Brandon the Builder, still stands as a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the First Men. It remains a crucial defense against the threats that lie beyond, manned by the Night's Watch, an order dedicated to guarding the realms of men.
The tales of Lann the Clever and Garth Greenhand highlight the importance of cunning and resourcefulness, traits that have been passed down through the generations and continue to shape the politics and culture of Westeros.
The legacy of the Age of Heroes is also evident in the ancient traditions and customs that persist to this day. The reverence for the old gods, the significance of the weirwood trees, and the ancient laws and pacts all harken back to this legendary era.
As Westeros faces new challenges and the wheel of history turns, the stories and lessons of the Age of Heroes remain a guiding light. They remind the people of the Seven Kingdoms of their rich heritage and the enduring power of courage, wisdom, and unity in the face of adversity.