The World of Ice and Fire

The Great Houses of Westeros

Region Great Houses Notable Minor Houses
The North House Stark House Bolton, House Burley, House Cerwyn, House Dustin, House Flint of the mountains, House Flint of Widow's Watch, House Harclay, House Hornwood, House Karstark, House Knott, House Liddle, House Locke, House Manderly, House Mormont, House Norrey, House Reed, House Ryswell, House Slate, House Stout, House Umber, House Wull
The Riverlands House Tully House Bigglestone, House Blackwood, House Bracken, House Butterwell, House Chambers, House Charlton, House Darry, House Deddings, House Frey, House Goodbrook, House Lychester, House Mallister, House Mooton, House Nutt, House Perryn, House Piper, House Roote, House Shawney, House Smallwood, House Vance of Atranta, House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest, House Vypren, House Wayn, House Whent
The Vale House Arryn House Baelish, House Belmore, House Borrell, House Coldwater, House Corbray, House Elesham, House Grafton, House Hunter, House Lynderly, House Longthorpe, House Pryor, House Redfort, House Royce, House Ruthermont, House Sunderland, House Tollett Torrent, House Waynwood
The Westerlands House Lannister House Banefort, House Brax, House Crakehall, House Estren, House Falwell, House Farman, House Jast Kenning of Kayce Lefford, House Lydden, House Marbrand, House Moreland, House Plumm, House Prester, House Serrett, House Stackspear, House Westerling
The Reach House Tyrell House Ambrose, House Ashford, House Beesbury, House Blackbar, House Bulwer, House Caswell, House Chester, House Cockshaw, House Costayne, House Cuy, House Florent, House Fossoway of Cider Hall, House Footly, House Graceford, House Grimm, House Hewett, House Hightower, House Meadows, House Merryweather, House Mullendore, House Oakheart, House Peake, House Redwyne, House Risley, House Rowan, House Serry, House Stackhouse, House Tarly, House Varner, House Vyrwel, House Webber, House Willum
The Stormlands House Baratheon House Buckler, House Cafferen, House Caron, House Dondarrion, House Erro, House Estermont, House Fell, House Grandison, House Mertyns, House Morrigen, House Peasebury, House Penrose, House Selmy, House Staedmon, House Swann, House Tarth, House Whitehead, House Wylde
Dorne House Martell House Allyrion, House Blackmont, House Dayne of Starfall, House Fowler, House Gargalen, House Jordayne, House Manwoody, House Qorgyle, House Toland, House Uller, House Vaith, House Wyl, House Yronwood
The Crownlands House Targaryen House Bar, House Emmon, House Brune of the Dyre, House Den, House Buckwell, House Byrch, House Bywater, House Celtigar, House Chelsted House Chyttering, House Cressey, House Follard, House Harte, House Hayford, House Mallery, House Massey, House Rollingford, House Rosby, House Rykker, House Staunton, House Stokeworth, House Sunglass, House Velaryon
The Iron Islands House Greyjoy House Blacktyde, House Botley, House Drumm, House Farwynd of the Lonely Light, House Farwynd of Sealskin, House Point, House Goodbrother of Hammerhorn, House Goodbrother of Shatterstone, House Harlaw of Harlaw, House Kenning of Harlaw, House Merlyn, House Myre, House Orkwood, House Saltcliffe, House Sparr, House Stonehouse, House Stonetree, House Sunderly, House Tawney, House Volmark, House Wynch