The World of Ice and Fire

Brandon Stark
Prince of Winterfell (disputed)
House Stark; the Old Gods
209 AC; Winterfell, the North


Bran is the second son of Eddard (Ned) Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and Catelyn Tully. He is part of House Stark, one of the Great Houses of Westeros, ruling over the North from their seat in Winterfell. Bran is born and raised in Winterfell, the ancient stronghold of his family, where he grows up alongside his siblings: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Rickon, and his illegitimate half-brother Jon Snow.


Bran is depicted as curious, adventurous, and imaginative. He enjoys climbing the walls and towers of Winterfell despite his mother's disapproval, earning him the nickname "Bran the Broken."

He possesses a deep love for his family and his direwolf companion, Summer. Bran's character undergoes significant development following a life-altering event that leaves him physically disabled, leading him to embrace introspection, wisdom, and a sense of duty.


Bran's life takes a dramatic turn when he witnesses the incestuous relationship between Cersei and Jaime Lannister, resulting in Jaime pushing him from a tower window to keep their secret hidden. The fall leaves Bran paralyzed from the waist down, altering the course of his life forever. Despite his physical limitations, Bran's spirit remains resilient, and he begins to explore his newfound abilities and identity.

Following his fall, Bran begins to experience prophetic dreams and visions, hinting at his latent abilities as a greenseer—a rare and powerful type of warg with the ability to enter the minds of animals and perceive events across time and space. Under the guidance of the Three-Eyed Crow (also known as the Last Greenseer), Bran learns to harness his greenseer abilities, delving into the mystical and enigmatic aspects of the world.

Bran's storyline takes him beyond the Wall, accompanied by a small group of companions, including Jojen and Meera Reed, Hodor, and his direwolf, Summer. Guided by his visions and the mysterious powers of the Three-Eyed Crow, Bran seeks to fulfill his destiny and unravel the mysteries of the ancient North.

Throughout his journey, Bran grapples with questions of identity, destiny, and sacrifice. He wrestles with the weight of his responsibilities as a Stark and as a greenseer, facing challenges that test his courage, resilience, and moral compass. Bran's quest for meaning and understanding leads him to confront the forces of darkness threatening the realm, including the Night King and his army of the dead.

As of the latest published book, "A Dance with Dragons," Bran's storyline continues to unfold as he embraces his role as the new Three-Eyed Crow, delving deeper into the mysteries of the past and the future. His fate remains intertwined with the fate of Westeros as the realm faces mounting threats from within and beyond its borders.